Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Female Operative Needed for Long Term Surveillance Operation

Thanks for coming in this morning agent. Please have a seat.

As you know the directorate of operations occasionally conducts interviews to place agents in operations on the high risk board.

Just so you know, no one knows we are having this meeting but you and I so no record of your interest, should you accept or reject the operation, will exist. Nothing will show up in your Bureau file or anywhere else in writing. If you reject the operation it will not be held against you in any way.

The operation I am going to discuss with you is highly dangerous and classified "secure compartmentalized" so no word of it leaves this room regardless of how you decide.

Your taking this assignment is, of course, entirely voluntary. This particular operation would require you to leave the Bureau virtually permanently if the initial phase is a success so we are taking volunteers only. You can, of course, decide to leave the operation at any time.

So, that out of the way, and as I see you are still sitting here, let me lay out the details.


The subject of this operation is a Caucasian male with a very light olive complexion, approximately 28 years of age, 6'3" 175 pounds, slim to athletic build, clean shaven, brown hair with some auburn highlights and dark brown eyes. The subject is of Austrian-Swiss and Northern Italian decent but arrived in America at a young age. Schooled in the Midwestern United States until 17 and then at University in the Eastern United States he can for all intents and purposes pass easily and without conflict as an American citizen. He has virtually no accent, but traces of an Oxford English accent emerge if the subject is agitated. The subject has no immediately discernable scars or other physical maladies.

Physical Ability and Classification:

The suspect should be regarded with extreme caution. Although he appears of slim build, the subject possesses significant athletic ability. He is known to have studied the Japanese art of Aikido for at least 6 years and served in the Swiss Alpine Corps in an airborne unit at a young age. The subject is a certified coast guard captain and sails avidly. The subject is an exceptional skier and competed semi-professionally in alpine downhill at a young age. The subject studied Olympic fencing for 9 years and is therefore adept in the use of the fencing foil and has a catlike disposition when agitated or alarmed. The subject also possesses a 5 handicap in equestrian polo and can be assumed to be a riding expert.

Other Skills:

As recently as 1999 the subject held a current pilot's license and was FAA certified for multi engine IFR operation. Said license appears to have expired in recent months, however. The subject appears to have completed anti-terrorist/anti-surveillance driving classes in Europe and possesses exceptional driving and mechanical skills.

Intelligence and Education:

The subject is highly intelligent (170+ IQ) and well educated, holding an undergraduate degree in International Relations and graduate degrees in International Affairs and a degree in Law, all from top 10 or top 20 American Universities. The subject has also attended Oxford and Cambridge in England at length, which may account for the occasional appearance of an English accent. Apparently while at Oxford the subject, who had intended to study theoretical physics in England, elected to abandon that course of study owing to the lack of social skills exhibited by his academic colleagues in the sciences. Subject was heard by one of our agents to remark: "Bloody science geeks are driving me mad."

The subject is unusually cultured and enjoys a wide ranging knowledge in conventional, traditional, contemporary and obscure cultural subjects ranging from art (old masters to contemporary to post modern to western to east asian) to media and other cultural studies.

Travel and World Experience:

The subject has been sighted at one time or another in virtually every country in Western Europe as well as the Baltic Republics, the Ukraine, Belarus, Yugoslavia (before the war), Croatia (after the war), various locations in the Middle East including Morraco and South Africa, the Caribbean, South and Central America including Costa Rica, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, Panama, Peru, Mexico, Japan and Russia. The subject was deported from Canada while on vacation in 1994 and agents accepting the operation are requested to obtain more information about this incident. The subject is known to speak at least 6 languages, at least 3 with high fluency including German, English and Spanish.

Intelligence/Counterintelligence/Espionage ability:

The subject is known to have served in the Swiss Diplomatic Corps for at least 3 years as a foreign embassy attache and probably in an intelligence/espionage capacity in the economic espionage directorate.

The subject is clearly schooled in surveillance and countersurvellence and has evaded our cover agents on numerous occasions with remarkable skill and daring. The subject is known to have exceptional interrogation and interpersonal skills. The subject's charisma and charm are disarming and a real potential threat to the careless female agent.

Social Interaction:

As a former diplomat the subject possesses exceptionally adroit social skills and easily blends into any environment from high society to Eastern European to South American to collegiate bar to artistic coffee house. On several occasions our agents have witnessed the subject hosting upscale cocktail parties in the San Francisco and Chicago areas.

Relationships/Sexual Persuasion:

Some confusion originally existed with respect to the subject's sexual persuasion. Two novice agents noted the subject wearing an ascot and, being ignorant in the nuances of European style, incorrectly assumed the subject to be homosexual. Corroborating this mistake was the subject's documented and unusual cooking expertise (souffles in particular), habit of overdressing, propensity to turn down dates with women of all ages and persuasions as well as his ability to get out stains of all origins and colors. It has since become clear that the subject is decidedly heterosexual, primarily monogamous but quite picky in selecting partners. The subject seems to tend towards longer term relationships based on deep trust and fidelity. Adept agents will attempt to capitalize on this feature.

Debriefing of a former liaison of the subject's revealed that the subject is extremely attentive to the intimate needs of his lovers in general and prone to spoiling significant others mercilessly while asking little for himself aside from their attention. The subject's monthly florist bill while dating rarely fails to exceed $150. The subject fails to exhibit jealousy, even when provoked in public situations and is reputed to be self-secure and non-controlling in relationships with the opposite sex.

The subject appears to have had substantial bad luck in past relationships- which have involved unstable or otherwise psychologically impaired significant others- in at least two cases substantial personal tragedies unrelated to the subject caused the significant other to break off long term relations with the subject.

Psychological analysis shows the subject to be impressed and fascinated with what he perceives as the elegance of design and function of the female form. Subject has been heard to comment with great eloquence on the beauty of women who attract his eye and has been known to employ novel, creative and persistent efforts to woo potential mates. Subject clearly has a high level of respect for, and in depth knowledge of the female body and its many nuances.

The subject is a licensed masseuse in Switzerland.

Agents are cautioned that the subject is extremely engaging and disarming and to avoid at all costs being seduced by the subject's substantial charms as there is a distinct threat of the agent "going rogue" and abandoning all thought of betrayal of the subject for the mission or life without the subject- intelligence collection may suffer as a result. The subject's seduction technique is varied, subtle and long term- resulting in a "creeping attachment" which builds over time.

Note: Sexual contact between the subject and the agent seeking to remain objective with respect to the subject is strongly discouraged.

General Demeanor:

The subject has a disarming look and demeanor, is usually quiet and reserved, appearing professional and intelligent but conservative. The subject is cautious when meeting new people and will not be prone to boasting or even self-exposition unless and until comfortable with the surroundings and the company. The subject is often seen at higher end establishments in San Francisco and is prone to drink Gray Goose Martinis when Chopin vodka is unavailable. The subject occasionally is seen at more conventional and colleagete venues. The subject appears to be a social drinker and is rarely seen to over indulge in liquor. The subject is a non-smoker. Stolen health records indicate that the subject is healthy and disease free. Subject tests negative for marijuana depravities.

Political Leanings:

The subject is decidedly fiscally conservative and socially extremely liberal. Subject is a free speech hawk, vehemently pro-choice, at least cynical if not hostile to modern manifestations of organized religion. The subject bristles at the suggestion he might be a republican but enjoys a reputation among friends and colleagues for being a capitalist thinker.

Current Disposition:

The subject currently maintains a cover as an executive and shareholder of a small private banking firm based in Europe with a new branch office in San Francisco. This gives the subject the opportunity and means to conduct operations in and around the West Coast, as well as the Midwest (Chicago) and the East (New York). The subject appears to take 90 days of vacation per year, often in the Caribbean or Europe.

We suspect, but cannot confirm, the suspect to be a current foreign intelligence asset.

Operative's Objective:

This is a "sleeper" deep cover operation. Your task will be to get close to the subject, and by (ahem) whatever means necessary establish a relationship with the subject and gain his trust and confidence. Ideally, you should cultivate a close relationship with the subject over as long a period as possible, perhaps even years, during which time you will maintain cover as the subject's associate (or other unspecified relation) until further tasked by the bureau. Once you have introduced yourself into his affairs you should endeavor to learn anything you can about his activities, interests, desires, travels, business affairs, philosophies, intellectual pursuits, hobbies, likes, dislikes and so forth.

Operational Methodology:

The successful agent will be between the ages of 22 and 32 with a preference to the 24-26 age group. Younger agents must have substantial operational experience to be considered for selection. Agents should be between 5'4 and 5'11 with a preference for the 5'6 - 5'10 range. Agents should be highly intelligent and intellectually as well as psychologically sound. Agents should possess exceptional educational experience. The successful agent should mirror the subject's political and intellectual beliefs and pursuits as closely as possible. The agent must be of slim to athletic build. The subject's rumored eye for members of the opposite sex with red hair has been noted and should recommend redheaded agents as leading (but not exclusive) candidates for the operation. All agent candidates must possess a current passport. The successful agent will have completed the following agency courses and be proficient in the skills taught therein:

Espionage 104 - Snobby Cocktail Parties as a Source of Espionage Contacts
Espionage 105 - Gathering Intelligence in Dives
Espionage 106 - Etiquette for Agents
International Espionage 202 - International Travel Clinic
Intelligence 302 - Political Analysis
Intelligence 404 - International Affairs and Current Events
Espionage 202 - Encryption
Espionage 405 - Honey Traps and Male Subjects
Espionage 504 - Advanced Seduction Techniques (Female Agents - Restricted Enrollment)
Espionage 509 - Therapeutic Massage, Hypnosis Pillowtalk and Afterglow in Interrogation Techniques


The agent is counseled to engage the subject in conversation over drinks in or in the vicinity of San Francisco, request further meetings of increased frequency, intensity and (ahem) intimacy until the subject's trust is gained. The agent should seek to be by the subject's side whenever possible (within the bounds of her own professional developmental requirements) and maintain a constant- if witty and intellectually challenging- tete-a-tete with the subject. Over the several weeks that follow the agent should engage the subject in a myriad of activities involving travel, dancing, dinner, cocktails, socialization and otherwise attract the attention of the subject.

Because of prior history specific to the subject agents are strongly recommended to make efforts at appearing financially independent. Indications of financial dependence on the subject are likely to exhibit a negative response from the subject and may terminate the relationship prematurely.

I understand that this is a big decision for a young agent. You need not decide now. If you wish to take the operation submit your completed application via the anonymous remailing system (photo is mandatory) with a description of the agent's qualifications and skills as well as the tactics and methodology the agent expects to use to complete the first phase of the operation. All applications will receive replies.

If your application is accepted you will be given cover documentation, survellance photos and other personal details of the subject and may attend other briefings relevant to the operation. A handler will be assigned and contact codes and communications security procedures will be outlined.

Thanks for coming in, Agent. Let us know what you decide... and good luck!

Other ways to contact me: Dead Drop #304

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